We accelerate the growth and development of sustainable ventures.

Our thriving innovation ecosystem isn’t just for University of Florida startups. We work with investable, IP-backed early-stage companies from all over the world. Our track record is unparalleled in the business incubation industry, and we offer a resource-rich environment with a bias for growth and speed.

Our Facilities

Space and amenities to inspire and transform your business.

Impressive, bold, vibrant, dynamic and designed for you and your business – your business needs the clout and credibility that comes with a 10x industry-award leader who works each day to advance its early-stage companies and assist them in navigating the risk and complexities of launching and growing a successful business.

Explore our Facilities at UF Innovate|Accelerate:

Our Services

Client Spotlight

Learn more about what it means to be part of a thriving innovation ecosystem. Hear firsthand from a successful graduate of our program what having our facilities and support meant to them and how they are paying it forward by working with next-generation founders in our thriving entrepreneurial community.

Explore the UF Innovate|Accelerate Offerings

Our Program

Award-winning, world-class program designed to assist early-stage companies to succeed.

Explore Our Program

Facilities & Amenities

Two purpose-built buildings with infrastructure and support to accelerate your venture’s growth.

Explore Our Facility

Tools & Resources

Resource-rich tools and resources to allow you to focus not just working in but on the business.

Explore Our Resources

Our Impact

Our active clients and graduates have gone on to do great things. Their success is the highest compliment we can be paid.

Check out Our Impact

Entrepreneurial Community

The largest portfolio of early-stage companies under one roof in North Central Florida: Biotech, deep tech, AI, SAAS, to life sciences.

Explore Our Community

Part of the Gainesville Innovation District, the Progress District, and the San Felasco Tech City in Alachua, FL

Join our Community

Join hundreds of other business builders, innovators, and entrepreneurs like you and take the next step to venture success; speak with one of our business coaches today.

Apply for Our Program

Application & Admission Process

All 8 steps can be completed in 7 days

Schedule a Tour

Learn firsthand why our long-term business survivability rate is 81%.

The best way to experience the thriving community at UF Innovate|Accelerate is to visit and tour to see like-minded people in action, engage with business advisors and professionals, and learn about the business-building tools and support back-stopping your team and your venture.

Basic Information

What services are you interested in?

Hear from Our Clients

14 Tearclear-logo
Plants in Jars Logo
9 Erivan-logo
Silicon Assurance
14 Tearclear-logo
Plants in Jars Logo
9 Erivan-logo
Silicon Assurance

UF Innovate | Accelerate’s Impact by the Numbers

Snapshot of Our Innovation Ecosystem

Generated in Private Investment

Startups Launched by UF Innovate | Accelerate

Direct Jobs Created by UF Innovate | Accelerate Startups

Total Program Economic Impact (Cumulative)

Our Team

Karl R. LaPan

Karl R. LaPan


UF Innovate|Accelerate

Jennifer Harrell

Jennifer Harrell

Assistant Director

UF Innovate|Accelerate @ The Hub

Elliot Welker

Elliot Welker

Assistant Director

UF Innovate|Accelerate @ The Sid Martin BioTech Center

Thought Leadership from UF Innovate | Accelerate

We are immensely grateful to Duke Energy for their generous support, which has made creating and launching these resource pages possible.